Reflexology is an ancient gentle, non-invasive holistic therapy that encourages the body, mind and spirit to balance and heal itself.
Using finger and thumb movements on the hands and feet on points called “reflexes” which reflect parts of your body, congestion and blockages can be released, allowing circulation to be improved and toxins removed from the body naturally.
Reflexology offers holistic relaxation without use of medication and relieves stress naturally allowing us to cope better with life stressors.
A lot of people are funny about feet, both the though of me loving working on them, and having them touched; thinking it will be tickly perhaps? Whilst studying I practiced on my mother who warned me that if I tickled her she would kick me! Thankfully she totally enjoyed it and my face remained foot free. The pressure that you get in reflexology is totally different. It is firm, comforting and reassuring. It is the equivalent of having a good back massage on your feet; you need to feel the benefit and you will be surprised at how much tension we hold in our feet. Most of us are standing or walking about on them constantly, they are essential to our wellbeing.
I became fascinated by Reflexology when I worked in a holistic therapy centre in 2010. I suffer with endometriosis and was shocked when points on my ankle were touched (lightly!) and I was in pain! ".. and that is where your womb and ovaries are." Crikey. No kidding! I started asking more questions about where points were on my feet and trying to notice where I felt sensations within my body whenever I had reflexology, and it soon moved to the top of my subjects I wanted to learn more about. Our feet quite literally carry us around on little maps of our internal organs, muscular and skeletal frames. It never ceases to amaze me.
This treatment is amazing and I am really passionate about it. I love the confirmation I get from clients after I have treated them and asked about health conditions I have picked up on. Most of my clients have all arrived and stated that they rarely relax during a therapy session; then falling into a deep state of relaxation or snooze! If this is something you have never tried, then I highly recommend you give it a go and you will be as fascinated as I am.
The benefits of reflexology can vary between clients as we are all unique and the body will take what it needs to from the therapy and utilise it in the best possible way. Some of the benefits that can be gained from reflexology include, but are not limited to:
It is also possible that reflexology can offer relief from symptoms of long-term health complaints and aid in fertility.
#Reflexology, #FootTherapy, #HolisticHealing, #SoleSoothing, #PressurePoints, #FootReflexology, #RelaxationTechniques, #WellnessJourney, #ReflexologySession, #NaturalHealing, #FeetCare, #BalanceWithin, #HolisticHealth, #StressRelief, #ReflexologyBenefits, #HealthyFeet, #BodyMindSoul, #FootMassage, #EnergyFlow, #SoulfulFeet, #FootZoneTherapy, #SelfCareRoutine, #ReflexologyWorks, #FootWellness, #FootMapTherapy